August 28, 2024

Fire Resistant Gardening »

Seasonal fires were a phenomenon in California many centuries before European settlers arrived. The process whereby… Read More »

August 28, 2024

Tips on Thrips »

Thrips can be a major pest at this time of year. Many people do not realize that their gardens are infested until the… Read More »

August 25, 2024

Ode to the Penstemon »

As diverse as this group of plants is, they all share some common characteristics. The genus Penstemon contains over… Read More »

August 25, 2024

Seeds for the Season »

As the weather again begins to cool in October, the Bay Area typically starts to experience rain. This makes it an… Read More »

June 30, 2024

Foliage Picks »

W hen it comes to gardens, most of us usually first think in terms of flowers. That’s only natural, given the joy… Read More »

June 30, 2024

The Seed Corner »

Many leaf vegetables can be challenging to grow during summer months, especially if your garden lacks shade. Longer… Read More »

June 29, 2024

Come on in…the water’s fine! »

Water gardens have been a part of civilization for thousands of years; from the hanging gardens of Babylon to ancient… Read More »

May 1, 2024

Living with Roses »

This is the time of year when the roses have come into their full glory. I see them showing off all over Berkeley,… Read More »

April 28, 2024

Home Grown Tomatoes »

T he tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum) is a short-lived perennial that we treat as an annual. It originated in the… Read More »

April 28, 2024

Thinkin’ of Summer »

Graduations, vacations, and backyard barbecues might actually be a thing this year! But before you start planting your… Read More »

April 28, 2024

Summer Pruning of Fruit Trees »

The early training of a fruit tree is the most important pruning you will ever do. These cuts establish the basic… Read More »

April 28, 2024

Hand Pollinating Cucurbits »

Sometimes customers report that they have lovely lush squash or cucumber plants, but they get a small harvest. They… Read More »

April 27, 2024

Tropical Musings »

With summer on the way, my thoughts wander to tropical plants. As the sun reaches higher, milder nights and longer days… Read More »

Photo by Walker Avenue Nursery

April 27, 2024

Growing Spectacular Water Lilies »

Few sights are more beautiful or refreshing in summer than a cool, clear pond with water lilies floating serenely on… Read More »

February 28, 2024

Grow a Cup of Peace »

The act of gardening can be a way to take a break from the rat race of urban living. Infusing a sense of wellbeing… Read More »

February 28, 2024

Preparing for Spring »

Getting my garden ready for spring is one of the most pleasurable tasks that I can imagine. The anticipation of trying… Read More »

February 28, 2024

The Creature from the Black Lagoon »

Reclaiming Your Pond in Spring Spring is here, and your backyard pond is stirring to life after its long winter rest.… Read More »

February 27, 2024

Best Water Practices »

We need to be mindful of where we're living, and that dry cycles are not unprecedented in our natural history. The… Read More »

February 27, 2024

Cherry Tomato Dreaming… »

Are you longing for the taste of fresh homegrown tomatoes? The fastest way to make that a reality is to grow cherry… Read More »

February 26, 2024

Japanese Maple ‘Wading’ »

In early March Berkeley Hort’s sleeping Japanese maple saplings wake up and push out their fresh spring leaves. The… Read More »

February 25, 2024

Aquatic Plants »

Something for every water garden, from small bowls to large ponds! Water Lilies (Nymphaea) are a true delight; the… Read More »

February 22, 2024

Remember Rosemary »

There’s no mistaking the fragrance of this wonderful herb. It makes sense that it is a member of the Lamiaceae… Read More »

January 27, 2024

Winter Cover Crops »

The benefits of building your soil Seasonal vegetable gardens can quickly deplete your soil of its nutrient… Read More »

January 6, 2024

Bareroot Season: Short & Sweet »

For the best price and selection buy your deciduous fruit trees bareroot in January and February. Bareroot plants… Read More »

January 4, 2024

Vegetables for late winter harvests »

Winter in the Bay Area is obviously not the ideal time to plant beans, tomatoes or squash, but our cool months of… Read More »

Stephanie Megibben

January 2, 2024

Planting zones; pushing the limits? »

“The flowers did hang their heads, because they had been dancing all night and were very tired...” … Read More »

December 30, 2023

Kung Hei Fat Choy »

Tuesday, February 1 is the first day of the Chinese New Year. The Lunar New Year celebration lasts 15 days and ends on… Read More »

June 29, 2023

Radishes: The Reliable Year-Round Crop »

Want to grow a zesty snack that can be directly sown in the garden at any time of the year? Radishes are a perfect… Read More »

March 5, 2023

Ode to My Olla »

Pictured: Garden Ollas in Two Sizes I bought an Olla last year to try it out. I placed it in a 20 gallon fabric pot… Read More »

October 25, 2022

Seasonal reminders and nursery news »

These shorter days can be a challenge to serious gardeners. On one hand, this is an excellent time to be cleaning up,… Read More »

October 25, 2022

A word from the General Manager »

My first memories of Berkeley Hort are from around when I was 10 years old. I was given the opportunity to have my… Read More »

October 25, 2022

Deck the halls! »

It’s that most wonderful time of year again, and here at The Hort the garden elves are stocking our shelves with… Read More »

October 25, 2022

The Seed Corner »

Perhaps it’s cold and rainy outside and your garden looks like a giant mud puddle. Maybe you have memories of the… Read More »

October 25, 2022

1922 to 2022 – 100 years at the Hort »

Wow—what a year it has been! I hope you were able to enjoy some of the festivities. There was music, food,… Read More »

August 25, 2022

Hanging out in the sun »

We are often asked for recommendations for trailing, flowering perennials that can handle direct sun, for hanging pots… Read More »

August 24, 2022

Let’s Party »

Our 100th Anniversary Celebration is in full swing, and we have lots going on. The following is a partial list of… Read More »

August 24, 2022

In Memoriam: Victor Yool »

At press time we received this sad news. Vic worked at Berkeley Hort from 1965, when he was a high school student in… Read More »

August 24, 2022

Bird watching at the Spa d’Oiseaux »

I didn’t understand the appeal of bird-watching until I inadvertently created my own backyard bird sanctuary. I… Read More »

August 24, 2022

Dry ideas are good ideas »

My front lawn is dying! Well, we’re letting it happen. When my wife & I purchased our house a couple of years… Read More »

August 24, 2022

Pinch Pot Workshop »

J im and Brenda Atchinson own LickinFlames, an incredible pottery business in Nevada City. You can see some of… Read More »

June 29, 2022

Another Generation »

In this issue I would like to share some of my memories of my son, TC (the current general manager) growing up and… Read More »

June 29, 2022

Savory Slow-roasted Green Beans »

This is one of my favorite summer recipes. It’s a great addition to any brunch, barbecue or nice dinner. Hopefully… Read More »

May 1, 2022

Learning about Plants »

Growing up in a family of plantsmen and horticulturists gave me the inspiration to follow in their footsteps. I once… Read More »

May 1, 2022

A Bed of Kale with Puffy Cheese Pillows »

One of my friends here at The Hort gifted me with an armload of tender, just-picked Lacinato Kale. Oh, happy day,… Read More »

May 1, 2022

The Smells of Summer »

Childhood garden memories can have a strong influence on our direction later in life. For me, the family vegetable… Read More »

May 1, 2022

Transitions »

One half-century ago I was in high school and on a mission to buy my first car. It ended up being a well-used British… Read More »

February 25, 2022

The Canine Conundrum »

Last year, as did so many other people, I adopted a puppy. Over one year of COVID shutdown meant more time at home and… Read More »

February 25, 2022

From 0 to 67 in 1.5 »

A year and a half ago, when I started working at Berkeley Hort, I had zero houseplants. I didn’t understand the… Read More »

February 25, 2022

The Rock »

Children visiting the nursery sometimes discover an interesting spot that many adults miss, namely the large red rock… Read More »

December 30, 2021

Ready, Set, Go! »

This year marks our 100th Anniversary and we have lots of things planned. You have waited patiently. We have been… Read More »

December 30, 2021

Fescue to the rescue! »

Seeds of native grasses prevent bank failures Hillside gardeners do your part to stabilize the banks—sow seed of… Read More »

December 30, 2021

Back to organic! »

Berkeley Hort has been selling bare-root strawberries for many years now. Shortly after being hired in 2005, I was… Read More »

October 27, 2021

Help us celebrate our 100th Anniversary »

In 1997 this newsletter promised we’d have a grand celebration in 25 years. I remember clearly, saying that it would… Read More »

October 27, 2021

Supply chain report from the Holiday Elf »

“Fast away the old year passes”: 2022 calendars are here! Garland and wreaths of Douglas Fir, and wreaths… Read More »

October 27, 2021

The Patio Pond »

An enduring attraction here at Berkeley Hort is the Koi Pond that runs along one side of the Aquatic Plants section.… Read More »

August 25, 2021

Miscellaneous Ramblings »

Miscellaneous Ramblings from a semi-retired horticulturist The past 18 months have me wondering if we will ever get… Read More »

earthworks - Photo by Schuster

August 25, 2021

The Lazy Gardener »

Earthworks facilitate passive irrigation Earthworks are strategically designed ways of shaping the earth to slow… Read More »

June 30, 2021

Plan for bulbs to return »

A s a footnote to Helen’s article, we want to remind you that Flower Bulbs that hail from Mediterranean climate… Read More »

June 30, 2021

Put your garden on a Mediterranean diet »

With the summer months upon us, it’s clear those of us in California are living in a dry summer/wet winter climate.… Read More »

June 30, 2021

Garden Myths & Misconceptions (shattered) »

ll of the following are things I’ve learned. Some exceptions can be found, but they are all generally false… Read More »

April 28, 2021

Gardening in Summer-Dry Climates »

W e were slightly panicky when we learned that two classic plant-selection references had gone out of print: East… Read More »

April 28, 2021

Vegetable Seedling Spacing »

One of the questions we are most often asked is, “How far apart should I plant these vegetable seedlings?” There… Read More »

April 28, 2021

Looking Ahead »

Compared to the slow, tedious year of 2020, this first half of 2021 seems to have flown by. We are extremely grateful… Read More »

February 25, 2021

Making My Garden My Own »

I’m stoked about 2021! With the prospect (sometime this year) of having visitors, to hangout in-person, and to share… Read More »

February 25, 2021

Bamboozled? »

Running bamboos can exhibit “take-over-the-world” growth habit that leads to the fear (and occasional hysteria)… Read More »

December 29, 2020

Happy New Year, Hope & Celebration »

Woo hoo! It’s a new year and there is so much to be hopeful for. Days are getting longer, a COVID-19 vaccine is… Read More »

December 29, 2020

Contemplating Navels »

(and other Citrus in the event of a frost*) Although uncommon, local winter temperatures do occasionally drop… Read More »

December 29, 2020

Food for Thought »

The term ‘seasonal’ produce takes on new meaning for Bay Area gardeners. In early December, I was enjoying a salad… Read More »

December 29, 2020

Radishes: The Reliable Year-Round Crop »

Want to grow a zesty snack that can be directly sown in the garden at any time of the year?  Radishes are a… Read More »

December 29, 2020

Staff’s 2021 New Year’s Resolution »

Kat ~ “Grow Ranunculus and other flowers for cutting in the growing space at my new rental.” Priska ~ … Read More »

December 29, 2020

Rose Pruning For Hesitant Beginners »

1. WHEN to prune: The best time to prune most roses in the Bay Area is in January, when they should be dormant. Many… Read More »

October 30, 2020

Speed Bumps, Hurdles, and Walls »

My dream garden is one where the sun shines every day but the plants get ample water. It is one where seeds germinate… Read More »

October 30, 2020

Brother buzz »

Concerned about dwindling numbers of urban bees? Are you harvesting fewer fruits and vegetables because of a lack of… Read More »

October 30, 2020

Winter cover crops »

The benefits of building your soil Seasonal vegetable gardens can quickly deplete your soil of its nutrient… Read More »

October 30, 2020

Where do tulips come from? »

Many people say; “from Holland.” Between 1634 and 1637, speculation in tulip bulbs was the cause of Holland’s… Read More »

October 30, 2020

Dr. Chlorophyll »

ADVICE FOR THE HORTICULTURALLY HARASSED “A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel… Read More »

October 30, 2020

DIY seed collections »

Seeds are the ultimate encapsulation of hope. They hold the promise of future growth. I don’t know about you, but… Read More »

October 12, 2020

Mulch Ado About Some Things »

Visitors to Berkeley Hort are sometimes confused by the array of mulches, soil amendments, manures and container mixes… Read More »

August 28, 2020

What’s in a name? »

Common names for plants can vary from one region to another, or from one culture to another. In school we learn to use… Read More »

August 28, 2020

Plant the peas please! »

Fall is the best time to plant peas. If you plant pea seeds or seedlings in October/November, the plant tops will… Read More »

August 28, 2020

‘Make a Melica great again!’ »

Early November is a great time to sow seed for California native grasses like Melica californica and Melica torreyana,… Read More »

August 28, 2020

A Bulb Reminder »

Everyone knows about planting bulbs for spring flowers, though they often don’t remember until they actually see a… Read More »

August 28, 2020

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed (From the dustbin; this one had some religious overtones, but useful for… Read More »

August 28, 2020

Tropical Garden »

On your next visit, take a walk over to our side courtyard to see the tropical border. This garden is a mixture of… Read More »

June 30, 2020

Living in Unsettled Times »

“We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.” —Konrad… Read More »

June 30, 2020

Sage Advice »

Which genus of plants is most important to California gardeners? My vote is for Salvia, the common sage. Not so much… Read More »

June 30, 2020

Living with Roses »

T his is the time of year when the roses have come into their full glory. I see them showing off all over Berkeley,… Read More »

June 30, 2020

Edible Patio Gardening »

So you’ve run out of space to plant more vegetables & herbs in your garden. Or, like a lot of us folks in the… Read More »

June 30, 2020

Creating a Miniature Water Garden »

Are you limited by small space? Planning to move in the near future? Intrigued by water but not ready to commit to a… Read More »

June 30, 2020

Bearded Iris Tips »

Rhizomes available in August. Though they come in a great array of colors and sizes, all bearded Irises want good… Read More »

April 30, 2020

We miss you! »

As I write this, looking out of my office window at the nursery I see many plants. Beautiful plants with new leaves… Read More »

February 28, 2020

Personal Pleasure Plants »

For me, very little time goes into planning the spring garden. I wake up one morning, the sun is shining, the birds… Read More »

February 28, 2020

Oven Roasted Asparagus »

with Garlic, Fresh Herbs & Lemon This is one of my favorite recipes to add as a side dish to any meal. Aside… Read More »

February 28, 2020

Growing Tomatoes »

Growing tomato plants from seed can be an incredibly rewarding experience, and they are relatively easily to grow.… Read More »

February 28, 2020

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed Dr. C. was a regular writer and hortipersonality at BHN for many years… Read More »

December 28, 2019

Winter Garden Thoughts »

Feeling crowded? Closed in? Too much noise? Work pressures? Distractions? A garden can be the perfect antidote to… Read More »

December 28, 2019

Ring in the New Year »

Give your houseplants ‘The Spa Treatment’ Indoor plants provide a great sense of calm and pleasure in our homes… Read More »

December 28, 2019

Dialing for Dahlias »

Much like potatoes in appearance, the tubers of these Central American perennials will soon be transformed into… Read More »

October 30, 2019

Stay in Touch with your Garden »

These shorter days can be a real challenge to serious gardeners. On one hand this is an excellent time to be cleaning… Read More »

October 30, 2019

Fruit Trees & Berries »

Learning from the past, planning for the future It's that time of year again to start planning to add fruits to your… Read More »

October 30, 2019

Don’t Wait until Spring »

Our “fall collections” of Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Camellias, Japanese Maples and Magnolias have arrived during the… Read More »

October 30, 2019

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed Dr. C. was a regular writer and hortipersonality at BHN for many years until… Read More »

August 29, 2019

A Season of Transitions »

Seasonal norms are being tossed out, but we still base most of our garden plans on historical data. For outdoor… Read More »

August 29, 2019

Plan for Great Fall Fruits! »

Later, in mid-November we will have a huge selection of berries and fruit trees. These are some of the fruits that we… Read More »

August 29, 2019

Soil Saving »

Protect your investment It goes without saying that soil which is covered by living plants absorbs and holds water… Read More »

August 29, 2019

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed Our thought for the day: "Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the… Read More »

August 29, 2019

Bring the Garden Inside »

During these long days of light it's hard to remember the short and gloomy days after the New Year. Think ahead and… Read More »

August 29, 2019

Bulb Reminder »

Everyone knows about planting bulbs in fall for spring flowers, though they often don't remember until they actually… Read More »

June 24, 2019

Who was George Budgen? »

This article was reprinted from the Jan. 1973 issue of The California Hort. Society Journal "It is said that a… Read More »

June 24, 2019

For the Kids »

About 12 years ago when I first started buying small fruits for the nursery, I planted a few new varieties of… Read More »

June 24, 2019

Bearded Irises »

Would you like some easy spring color in your garden? August can be the perfect time to plan and plant for that color.… Read More »

June 24, 2019

Succession Planting »

Farmers spend a lot of time and effort planning the timing of their crops to be able to maximize bountiful high quality… Read More »

June 24, 2019

Seeds for the Season »

A s summer peaks we find ourselves transitioning from spring to fall vegetables.  Now is the time to finish planting… Read More »

April 30, 2019

Living Small »

As my grandma used to say, “Good things come in small packages”. And with this thought I launch into the realm of… Read More »

April 30, 2019

Growing Color »

Until only 130 years ago all textiles, clothing and leather were colored with natural dyes. The first synthetic color… Read More »

April 30, 2019

Japanese Maples »

The Wig Maple (Acer palmatum ‘Katsura’) is among the first Japanese Maples to wake up as winter ends (some call it… Read More »

April 30, 2019

Garden Furniture »

Summertime is quickly approaching. It’s time for picnics and lounging in the backyard. Berkeley Hort is carrying… Read More »

April 30, 2019

‘Nips in the bud: blooming Nepeta! »

This short article on catnips is dedicated to all felines, who are very fond of flowering Nepeta. We are encouraging… Read More »

April 30, 2019

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed Dr. C. was a regular writer and hortipersonality at BHN for many years until… Read More »

April 30, 2019

Cultivators for Cultivators »

For any parent who gardens, consider a gift this Mother’s Day or Father’s Day (May 12, June 16) of the… Read More »

February 27, 2019

It’s a Syn »

Even in retirement I still enjoy composing the 4 by 5 inch sign cards that you see on groups of plants when you visit… Read More »

December 27, 2018

Trees Capture Carbon »

A neighbor recently asked which trees he should plant to act as carbon sinks. Now, for those readers who don’t… Read More »

December 27, 2018

Food for Thought »

The term ‘seasonal’ produce takes on new meaning for Bay Area gardeners. In early December I was enjoying a salad… Read More »

December 27, 2018

Apricots: Fruits on ‘the 4th’ »

One of the fruits that I wait for every summer just happens to ripen right around the Fourth of July. To me, apricots… Read More »

December 27, 2018

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed Dr. C. was a regular writer and hortipersonality at BHN for many years until… Read More »

December 27, 2018

Rhododendrons for the Bay Area Garden »

Imagine your garden filled with large trusses of brilliantly-hued flowers framed in large shiny and richly green… Read More »

October 29, 2018

Winter Gardening • Winter Reading »

For those of us who truly enjoy gardening, this season of shortening days may seem frustrating. Each day, by the time… Read More »

October 29, 2018

Don’t Leaf them by the Curb! »

While building your soil is a year-round task, fall is the time to score some free ingredients. As many broadleaf… Read More »

October 29, 2018

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed Dr. C. was a regular writer and hortipersonality at BHN for many years until… Read More »

October 29, 2018

Pot Selection: an artist’s view »

Whether you are trying to pick the right pot for a plant or the right plant for a pot, selecting the right look can… Read More »

August 28, 2018

The Rock »

Kids visiting Berkeley Hort sometimes discover an interesting spot that many adults miss—the big rock at the… Read More »

August 28, 2018

Planting for Beneficial Insects »

Attracting Pollinators & Predators Creating a balanced insect community in your garden is one of the most… Read More »

August 28, 2018

Bulb Reminder »

Everyone knows about planting bulbs for spring flowers, though they often don't remember until they actually see a host… Read More »

June 29, 2018

“How I Spent my Summer Vacation” »

by anonymous gardener We’re jumping the gun on this premise in order to make a point. What you do over the next… Read More »

June 29, 2018

On the Forest Floor »

During the first weekend in June a group of Berkeley Hort staff went on a camping trip to Dodge Ridge (elevation 7,000… Read More »

June 29, 2018

Edible Patio Gardening »

So you’ve run out of space to plant more vegetables & herbs in your garden. Or, like a lot of us folks in the… Read More »

June 29, 2018

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed Dr. C. was a regular writer and hortipersonality at BHN for many years until… Read More »

June 29, 2018

Aromatherapy in a Pot »

Scented geranium Like sniffing the aroma of freshly roasted coffee, or a salty sea breeze, breathing the perfume of a… Read More »

June 29, 2018

For the Kids »

You’ve probably seen the larger potted plants scattered around the nursery that contain an abundance of ripe… Read More »

April 27, 2018

Foliage Matters »

When it comes to gardens most of us first think in terms of flowers. We slow down and smell them, we cut them for… Read More »

Photo by Stephanie Megibben

April 27, 2018

From the Worm Bin »

Now that spring is here, the red wiggler worms (Eisenia fetida) are happy again. They do not enjoy wet, cold… Read More »

April 27, 2018

Woven Wonders »

Made in Ghana and Morocco, you may have noticed the beautiful straw baskets that we started carrying in 2012. We were… Read More »

April 27, 2018

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Some things we've learned Dr. C. was a regular writer and hortipersonality at BHN for many years until his retirement… Read More »

February 26, 2018

Going to the Pots »

King Louis XIV was not the first person to experiment with container gardening, but he certainly had the means. His… Read More »

February 26, 2018

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they… Read More »

December 20, 2017

Gardening for the Birds »

There once was a time when I watched bird enthusiasts and asked myself, “What could possibly be so interesting that… Read More »

October 31, 2017

California gardening »

California gardening can be a special treat. Many of us who grew up here take it for granted, but unless you live in… Read More »

October 31, 2017

Fall Fluorescence: Japanese Maples »

Like a large mixed flock of migratory birds, hundreds of young Japanese Maples, mostly varieties of Acer palmatum, A.… Read More »

October 31, 2017

Boughs of festive foliage »

Fir garland, wreaths, mistletoe, orchids, poinsettias, ivy, amaryllis, cyclamen and other holiday greenery will be in… Read More »

October 31, 2017

Best Bug Practices »

Keeping a good balance between pest and predator insects is the key to a lower maintenance and pesticide-free garden.… Read More »

October 31, 2017

Reserve Your Bareroot Fruit Trees Now »

For a short period of time, January through March, we offer deciduous fruit trees “bareroot”. Bareroot season is… Read More »

October 31, 2017

Small Fruits »

To complement our great selection of bareroot fruit trees every January, we also bring in a wide assortment of small… Read More »

October 31, 2017

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed Dr. C. was a regular writer and hortipersonality at BHN for many years until… Read More »

August 31, 2017

Tree Considerations »

“I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.” —The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss For me it’s hard to imagine… Read More »

August 31, 2017

Hedge Fundamentals »

In the lingo of finance, a hedge has nothing to do with greenery, at least not the greenery that can photosynthesize.… Read More »

August 31, 2017

Planting BULBS: bury them alive! »

Although now may not be the best time to plant them, there are some very good reasons to tiptoe to the nursery tout de… Read More »

June 26, 2017

Any excuse for a party… »

Five years from now we’ll have a major celebration, but why wait until then? We are getting warmed-up now. As they… Read More »

June 26, 2017

Bearded Iris Tips »

Rhizomes available in August Though they come in a great array of colors and sizes, all bearded Irises want good… Read More »

Photo by Stephanie Megibben

June 26, 2017

Thoughts from the Worm Bin »

I have to admit—I love our worms. I enjoy checking on them, feeding them and trying to understand what makes them… Read More »

June 26, 2017

Staff Picks »

In each issue we try to feature some of the staff favorites. This time the staff talks about a garden tool that they… Read More »

June 26, 2017

Radishes: The Reliable Year-Round Crop »

Want to grow a zesty snack that can be directly sown in the garden at any time of the year? Radishes are a perfect… Read More »

June 26, 2017

Living with Roses »

This is the time of year when the roses have come into their full glory. We see them showing off all over Berkeley,… Read More »

June 26, 2017

Save the Dates »

Summer + Fall Events at Berkeley Hort Mark your calendars and make plans to join us in August, September, and October… Read More »

April 28, 2017

Living Small »

“Good things come in small packages,”  as my grandma Budgen used to say—and with this thought I launch into the… Read More »

April 28, 2017

Cultivators for Cultivators »

For any parent in your life who gardens, consider a gift this Mother’s or Father’s Day (May 14th, June 18th) of one… Read More »

April 28, 2017

95th Anniversary »

Spring has sprung here at Berkeley Hort, and our 95th Anniversary is officially underway! If you’ve missed out so… Read More »

April 28, 2017

Thinkin’ of Summer »

Father’s Day, graduation ceremonies, vacations, fun in the water, and backyard barbecues are right around the corner.… Read More »

April 28, 2017

The Squash Family: Sex Ed 101 »

Sometimes customers report that they have lovely lush squash or cucumber plants, but they get a small harvest. They say… Read More »

April 28, 2017

Red Wiggler Worms »

Looking for a way to recycle your fruit & vegetable scraps? Berkeley Hort is now carrying Can-O-Worms Composter.… Read More »

February 28, 2017

95th Anniversary »

If you haven’t heard the news, Berkeley Hort turns 95 this year. We’ll be throwing a party this fall on two… Read More »

February 28, 2017

California Wildflower Website & Hotline »

T hanks to a wetter than normal winter, this spring promises to be one of the best for California wildflowers in many… Read More »

February 28, 2017

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed The only things worth learning are the things you learn after you know it… Read More »

December 26, 2016

Debunking Gardening Myths »

Learning about plants enriches our lives, regardless of age, ethnicity or political leaning. Growing up in a family of… Read More »

December 26, 2016

What does Bee Friendly mean? »

When we began developing our Bee Friendly program in 2012 we knew it would be a slow process. Our goal was to protect… Read More »

December 26, 2016

Celebrating 95 years 1922-2017 »

We hope you enjoy the new look of our website with its user-friendly platform. If you get the paper version, you’ll… Read More »

December 26, 2016

Overheard at the Grand Lake Farmers Market »

Shopper to vendor of foraged wild mushrooms and berries: “How can you tell which wild berries or mushrooms are safe… Read More »

December 26, 2016

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed DEAR DR. CHLOROPHYLL A rose by any other name might smell as sweet and all… Read More »

October 26, 2016

‘Tis the Season for Citrus »

Talk about plants with a history…over eight hundred years ago Chinese agriculturists described dozens of varieties of… Read More »

October 26, 2016

The Seed Corner »

Perhaps it’s cold and rainy outside and your garden looks like a giant mud puddle. Maybe you have memories of the… Read More »

October 25, 2016

The Blueberry: An American Native »

Blueberries of the genus Vaccinium are truly a Native American species. These plants are believed to be one of the… Read More »

October 25, 2016

Rose Shipment »

We are expecting a shipment of dormant roses (Tops in Pots) during the first week in December. These twenty varieties… Read More »

October 24, 2016

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the Horticulturally Harassed For That Special Person on Your Holiday Gift List Some gardening books that… Read More »

October 12, 2016

Bareroot Berries & Fruit Trees »

Brrrrrrrr! On these cold winter days who’s thinking about summer harvests? Actually, now is a great time to plan for… Read More »

October 12, 2016

Solar Lanterns »

As the days get shorter, do you find you need a little light in your life? Berkeley Horticultural Nursery sells solar… Read More »

July 1, 2016

Salvia, the common sage »

Which genus of plants is most significant to California gardeners? My vote is for Salvia, the common sage. Not so much… Read More »

July 1, 2016

Bearded Iris: Growing Tips »

Rhizomes available in August Though they come in a great array of colors and sizes, all bearded Irises want good… Read More »

April 30, 2016

The Tomato »

The tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum) is a short-lived perennial that we treat as an annual. It originated in the… Read More »

April 30, 2016

Tomato Growing Tips »

Watering your Tomatoes Have you ever had tomatoes that were watery, mealy and bland flavored? Watering your tomatoes… Read More »

April 30, 2016

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the horticulturally harassed The two most dangerous words to matrimony: “Charge it.” The three most… Read More »

February 29, 2016

As the spring equinox comes »

If you are like me, very little time goes into the planning and preparation for your spring garden. I wake up one… Read More »

February 29, 2016

Consider Clematis »

Most Clematis are lovely vining plants. Often large flowered and sometimes fragrant, they are easy to fit into just… Read More »

February 29, 2016

Wisteria wakes up »

In winter, wisteria is not at its most glamorous—the vines are leafless gray ropes, trapeze wires for squirrels.… Read More »

October 31, 2015

Speed Bumps, Hurdles, and Walls »

My dream garden is one where the sun shines every day but the plants get ample water. It is one where seeds germinate… Read More »

October 31, 2015

This just in: Dormant Fruit Trees »

For a short time in January and February we offer deciduous fruit trees “bareroot”. Bareroot season is necessarily… Read More »

October 31, 2015

got citrus? »

If so, we’d like to hear what kinds you’re growing and under what conditions (soil, moisture, temperature,… Read More »

October 31, 2015

Seed Corner »

It has cooled down out in the garden, but it’s not too late to give something back by planting a cover crop. Cover… Read More »

October 31, 2015

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Just for chuckles ~ some vintage “I always wanted to be the last guy on earth, just to see if all those women were… Read More »

August 31, 2015

Bring It On »

I commend those of you who have taken our drought seriously and changed the way you garden. Judging from my… Read More »

August 31, 2015

Plan for Great Fall Fruits! »

Later, in November, we will have a huge selection of berries and fruit trees from Dave Wilson Nursery. These are some… Read More »

August 31, 2015

Ferns for the Low Water Garden »

Ferns are elegant foliage plants that capture the eye without the aid of flowers. They are shade-loving, are generally… Read More »

August 30, 2015

Silver Plants Cool? »

Could plants with silver leaves promote global cooling? That’s what scientists at the University of Bristol seem to… Read More »

June 30, 2015

Terrariums »

A terrarium is a self-contained world for plants that takes very little water or maintenance. With California’s… Read More »

June 30, 2015

Seed Corner »

Seeds for the Season As summer peaks we find ourselves transitioning from spring to fall vegetables. Now is the time… Read More »

June 30, 2015

The Cape Primrose »

Native to South Africa, Cape primroses (Streptocarpus spp.) are in the Gesneriad family. These species belong to one of… Read More »

April 30, 2015

Garden Memories »

Childhood garden memories can have a strong influence on our direction later in life. For me, the family vegetable plot… Read More »

April 30, 2015

Our New Dry Department »

When our customers ask, “where are your drought tolerant plants?” we explain our system for keeping them in their… Read More »

April 30, 2015

‘Nips in the bud: blooming Nepeta! »

This short article on catnips is dedicated to our cat in residence Lulu, who is very fond of flowering Nepeta. To mark… Read More »

April 30, 2015

Cultivators for Cultivators »

For any parent in your life who gardens, consider a gift this Mother’s or Father’s Day of one of the most… Read More »

April 30, 2015

Hats Hats Hats »

I personally do not like to wear hats. Don’t ask why. When I venture out, I always see people with hats on, and they… Read More »

April 30, 2015

Seed Corner »

Let’s eat weeds! One person’s weed is another person’s salad garnish. Berkeley Hort carries many greens that can… Read More »

April 30, 2015

Japanese Maples »

(Acer palmatum) The Wig Maple is among the first cultivars of Acer palmatum to show signs of life as winter ends.… Read More »

April 30, 2015

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the horticulturally harassed “Change is what makes the world go round. Not love—love only keeps it… Read More »

February 28, 2015

Drought Tolerant Fare »

It might take another forty days and forty nights of rain to approximate our seasonal normal, but I’m not sure about… Read More »

February 28, 2015

Fun with Food »

Sometimes starting a new Vegetable garden or adding edibles to your landscape for the first time can be a little… Read More »

February 28, 2015

Seed Corner »

Growing Tomatoes Growing tomato plants from seed can be an incredibly rewarding experience, and tomato seeds are… Read More »

February 28, 2015

The Rock »

Children visiting the nursery sometimes discover an interesting spot that many adults miss, namely the large red rock… Read More »

February 28, 2015

Dr. Chlorophyll »

Advice for the horticulturally harassed “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m… Read More »