Japanese garden tools - Illustration by Helen KrayenhoffFor any parent who gardens, consider a gift this Mother’s Day or Father’s Day (May 12, June 16) of the indispensable hand claw, or cultivator. The tines of this versatile small tool are bent at an angle to the handle, making it easy to draw through the soil to dislodge weeds, break clods, pull errant vines from shrubbery, or even substitute, in a pinch, for a backscratcher. Berkeley Hort stocks two brands of stainless steel hand claw/cultivators, Terra Garden ($16.99) and Corona ($8.99), as well as the very sculptural cast iron, Japanese “bear claw” cultivator ($23.99)

The hands that rocked your cradle might also greatly appreciate a fresh pair of garden gloves!  We have a big selection of styles and sizes, including West County rose gloves; the comfortable and affordable Bellingham “Touch” gloves ($6.99) and sturdy Bamboo Gardeners gloves ($7.99).

The staff at Berkeley Hort will gladly make more suggestions for Mother’s and Father’s Day gifts. Here are a few of our favorite, inexpensive small tools:

Deadheads—Mini-shears for plant grooming.

Japanese Sickle—For removing Oxalis.

Hori Hori Knife—For digging, cutting containers, slicing roots.

Hand Rake—For tight spaces.

L-shaped Weeder—For weeding between pavers.

Bamboo Broom—Beautiful, rake-ish.

Galvanized 2.5 qt. watering can.