echinacea - Illustration by Helen Krayenhoff

Gardener’s Calendar

July Checklist

  • Mulch the soil around vegetable plants for water conservation.
  • Check your water garden to see that it is clear and free of mosquito larvae.
  • Tropical plants will benefit from extra feeding during these warm months.
  • Feed acid loving plants with Cottonseed Meal or Fish Emulsion.
  • Deadhead and feed early flowering perennials for a second bloom.

August Checklist

  • Dig and divide Bearded Irises now (also check our selection).
  • Last chance for Summer Pruning of fruit trees.
  • Remove canes from Berry Plants that have already fruited (raspberries, etc.)
  • Include your garden when making vacation plans. What happens when you are away?
  • Deep water winter/spring flowering shrubs, as now is when the buds are initiating.